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The Monster

She imagined it as a person, a monster. It came for the sole purpose of sucking the life out of her.

As she sat quietly enjoying the bright morning sunlight, it attacked. Before she could escape it grabbed her by the hair and began dragging her down to the pit of death. Her breath caught in her chest and her heart pounded wildly as she struggled to break free. Alas, though she flailed her arms wildly around her she could not seem to find it. It seemed the beast had slipped quietly inside of her without her notice. As a newborn trying to walk, she struggled once more but could not seem to move her arms or legs.

Out of sheer panic and desperation she remembered her guardian. Her eyes searched frantically about her and landed on his shining face. He looked quietly into her eyes, his full of sadness and pain. Angrily she wondered why he did not come to her rescue, he knew she was in trouble. She waited. Part of her hoped he would save her before it was too late and part of her liked this feeling of being the monster's prey. Then she felt the monster's grip tighten on her and it slowly dragged her away from her knight.

She turned her head to catch a glimpse of those gentle eyes but she could not see them. As she strained her own weary eyes the monster placed its knarely hand over her them and she fell into darkness. Suddenly she was filled with a hate toward this beast who had come and stolen her from her prince. She tried to cry out to him as she struggled against the monster but her voice caught in her throat. Weary and desperate she remembered something her guardian had told her. Though she was unable to utter a word, her heart spoke for her. It whispered quietly; "I waited patiently for the Lord; And He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and he set my foot upon a rock making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord." Then she closed her eyes and waited.

Suddenly from no where a blaze of light shot through the darkness and everything seemed to whirl around her. She kept her eyes closed tight and waited. Then all was still and, and yet she waited.

In the stillness a hand closed around her's, strong and gentle. She felt herself lifted to her feet and slowly opened her eyes. Before her was the most beautiful sight of all. The eyes of her knight, her guardian, her prince, looked down upon her. They looked not with anger but with a still sadness. She fell down upon her knees, unable to face him any longer. Quietly she spoke, these two small words; forgive me.

Silently, the valiant warrior bent down and gently lifted her tear-stained face. A smile spread across his face as he spoke, "Yes dear heart, now go and do so no more."


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