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Remind me

The more sadness I feel over leaving my home, family and friends the more I wonder why I am doing this. Wouldn't it be easier to simply go on living as I was before. To live in my shell, not taking risks, not stretching myself. To be always dissatisfied with my choice in school. Isn't it worth it if it means being safe, secure and unchallengened. Even as I write this, I know that I cannot live fully knowing that I am not doing the will of Him who gave me this life. So to help me remember I read over the essay I submitted to my college entitled, "why do I want to attend ___".

I attended a very small classical high school and loved the education, passion of the teachers and close knit environment. When I toured New Saint Andrews two years ago it seemed like the perfect place to continue this education and learn how to teach others as I had been taught. However, I allowed the fear of the unknown stand in my way. I have regretted that decision ever since. Since that time I have attended two secular colleges and become fully aware of what I am missing. I want to be a teacher, and now realize that I am not learning the skills I need to pass knowledge on to children, but rather how to indoctrinate them in godlessness. I know that New St. Andrew's will enable me to give my future students an education grounded on Biblical doctrine and a sanctified understanding of the world.
The longer I am at a secular college the more I realize that it encourages immaturity and laziness through its living situation and the indifference of the professors. New Saint Andrews is different. I love the fact that the students live separate from campus which encourages independence and responsibility. I have heard a great deal from a friend who attends NSA about the enthusiasm and genuine interest of the professors in helping their students learn and grow. I am sure that under their watchful care I will grow and be stretched. I realize that this process will be challenging but I am a hard-worker, diligent, and enjoy learning. Everything about NSA appeals to me and I feel that God is giving me a second chance to do His will.


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